Well by now I think it’s quite apparent that I like wine. And I like food. And I REALLY like wine dinners. Food and wine pairing has become one of my favorite things, and while I don’t consider myself anywhere near an expert at it, I do enjoy tasting other people’s (who are more “experts” in pairing) menus. In the early part of February I, along with a usual partner in crime
@erindrinkswine, attended another wine dinner at one of my favorite restaurants,
Russell’s Dining & Bar (
@russellsdining). As you may or may not remember, I attended a
wine dinner at Russell’s back in April of last year for
Sojen Cellars of Everett. Chef Russell Lowell creates some of my favorite meals and he really has a knack for pairing his delicious courses with wine. Switching it up a bit, this dinner featured a California winery, which is not a region I have had the opportunity to taste paired with food. I had also never had
Duckhorn wines (
@duckhornwine) so I was eager to try something new!