Hey all, I'm Taryn. I grew up in Alaska, went to school in WA, and have lived in MN, CA and WA since then. I'm now a Seattle girl and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love the city, the food and most of all, the WINE. I discovered a passion for wine and learning everything there is to know about the juice that is created from those beautiful grapes. One day, I started thinking about how fun it would be to document all of my wine adventures, so here we are! I figured, if I enjoy learning so much, maybe someone else will learn something from what I write? It's worth a shot... My blog is casual, informative, and basically just my opinion on what I do, who I meet and the wines I taste. I hope you enjoy reading about these adventures as much as I enjoy writing about them. Cheers!
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space" ~ Anonymous